This work is a partnership between Google, WHO, Ona and other health partners


Science and medicine





global healthaigisprecision healthenteprise analytics
Past Projects
HAPI Struct <> Proto Conversion Tool
Aditya Kurkure
HAPI resources are like conventional data classes that can be serialized into JSON/XML. FHIR proto buffs on the other hand are classes that are used...
Create Custom Styles in SDC Gallery
Fikri Yurcel Milano
This project will create examples of custom styles in the SDC Gallery app to show how implementers can change the color/style/text appearance of the...
Implementation of FHIRPath for FHIRProto in a Java library
Deepro Choudhury
Create a Java library that implements the FHIRPath graph traversal language (with a FHIRPath Engine) for use with Google's serialization format...
Android FHIR SDK Peer to Peer transfer
anubhav sharma
Develop the device-to-device data transfer functionality on top of the current library. This is supposed to transfer all FHIR resources from one...
Feature Implemetation and Ui Development of Android FHIR
Anushka Chakraborty
Designing user-freindly android apps for the users. Implement features to enhance user experience and work on optimization of the apps along with...